Important Dates:
This trip happens every summer in late May and early June.
Recruitment begins in late summer every for the following year’s trip.
Applications are due by October for the next summer’s trip
Applicants must be interviewed, and will be accepted by December
Accepted students will enroll in a 1 credit Spring semester course to prepare for the trip
If you have missed the deadlines, please consider joining us next year!
Dr. Kevin Conway
Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
Curator of Fishes
Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas 77843
Office: Rm 232 WFES, West Campus
Dr. Adrienne Brundage
Department of Entomology
Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas 77843-2475
Office: Room 404a, Heep Center, West Campus
Corinne Beverly
Study Abroad Advisor
Study Abroad Program
Pavilion, 1st Floor
Texas A&M University