Bower, Brittney (2019) Diversity of Marine Amphipoda in Northeast Trinidad
Dannenfelser, Chloe (2019) First Record of Tomicodon sp. on Salybia Reef, Northeastern Trinidad
Guerrero, Marisa (2019) Field Comparison of Artificial Light on Moths (Lepidoptera) in Trinidad
McGee, Akayla (2019) A Comparison of Soil Quality and Nutrition Among Landmarks in Toco, Trinidad
McNeal, Rachel (2019) Habitat Preference of Forensically important Diptera in Toco, Trinidad, WI
Pemberton, Guy Luke (2019) An Analysis of Claw Strength in Mudflat Fiddler Crabs (Uca rapax)
Bradshaw, Matti (2017) Call Response in Dendroica petechia
Doggett, Travis (2017) A Survey and Discussion of the Geographical Range of Anolis cristatellus
Ecker, Jayne K (2017) The Habits of the Lesser Antillean Iguana (Iguana delicatissima)
Harling, John (2017) Study of Guinotia dentata Movements Relating to Water Sources and Burrows
Harling, John and Travis Doggett (2017) Prawn Population Diversity in the Check
Shook, Samuel Ryan (2017) Evaluation of the Diet of Odontomachus spp. on the Island of Dominica
Boggs, Anita M. (2016) A Comparison of Urban, Rural and Agricultural Water pH
Keiser, Amy (2016) Water Velocity Preferences of Water Striders (Hemiptera: Gerridae) in Dominica
Adams, Van (2015) Investigation of Possible Breeding Sites of Culex quinquefasciatus
Callahan, Robin Nicole (2015) Survey of Sphecidae on the Island of Dominica W.I.
Camp, Caitlin (2015) Survey of Nosema and Varroa Mites in Dominican Apiaries
Collins, Catherine (2015) A Field Guide to Dominican Millipedes by Order
Evans, Andrew (2015) Survey of Aquatic Hymenopotera of Three Locations in Dominica, W.I.
Ganter, Kathryn (2015) Comparison of Soundscapes in Disturbed and Undisturbed Environments
Gill, Nicholas (2015) Total Morphological Comparison Between Anolis oculatus and Anolis cristatellus
Moore, Brittany (2015) Diversity of Alsophis sibonius Color Patterns
Moore, Brittany, Hannah Rice, and Meredith Stroud (2015) Diversity of Bat Species Across Dominica
Rice, Hannah (2015) Color Preferences of Two Species of Dominican Hummingbirds and Bananaquits
Bowman, Amanda (2014)_ Survey of Mosquito Population of Dominica by Use of Larval Rearing
Encaracion, Diana (2014) A Comparison among Ameiva fuscata Between Habitats and Sexual/Age Groups
Forks, Kaitlyn (2014) Sexual Dimorphism in Anolis oculatus
Hinojosa, Michael (2014) Analyses of the Fungi of the Caribbean Island of Dominica
Hinojosa, Michael, and Brandi Trost (2014) Analysis of Soils on the Caribbean Island of Dominica
Hopkins, Melissa (2014) Sexual Dimorphism in Artibeus jamaicensis
Hurd, Sarah (2014) A Survey of Collembola on Dominica
Jones, Neil Sheppard Cort (2014) Analysis of Claw Size in Guinotia dentata
Rainosek, Kristin (2014) Chalcidoid Diversity Amongst Different Habitats on the Island of Dominica
Sannwaldt, Jessica (2014) Feeding Habits and Behaviors of Dominican Hummingbirds
Stehling, Haley (2014) Analysis of Soil Moisture in the Guinotia dentata Crab Burrows of Dominica
Tarrand, Chris (2014) Mosquito Feeding Periodicy in an Isolated, Domesticated Environment
Trost, Brandi (2014) Field Guide to the Caribbean Flora Seen Throughout Study Abroad Dominica 2014
Veillon, Sarah (2014) Variation in Calls of Eleutherodactylus martinicensis
Bach, Emily (2013) A Study Determining Dominican Bat Species Using Echolocation Call Structure
Casillas, Gaston (2013) Soundscape Ecology of Tink Frogs
Crews, Emily (2013) Survey of Ticks on Reptilian Hosts on the Island of Dominica, West Indies
Jo, Young Rovin (2013) Behavior of the Lesser Antillean Bullfinch (Loxigilla noctis) in Dominica
Kreuter,Lara (2013) Survey of Amazona imperialis on the Island of Dominica
MacNames, Ross (2013) Territorial Behavior in Anolis oculatus and Anolis cristatellus
Mendez, Alejandra (2013) Foraging of Host Plants by Butterflies on Dominica, Lesser Antilles
Oden, Molly (2013) Comparison of Songs Between the Four Mimid Species of Dominica
Padilla, Sierra (2013) Dispersion of a Common Mantis Species on Dominica
Rowley, Marissa (2013) Interspecific Competition Between Prawns in the Checkhall River
Sotelo, Liana (2013) Survey of Calling Behavior of Orthoptera Species at Springfield, Dominica
Stankey, Matthew (2013) Behavioral Study of Sicydium punctatum in the Checkhall River
Cabrera, Fernanda (2012) Success Rates of Habitat Restoration Projects in Dominica
Demarest, Katheryn (2012) Characteristics o Thecadactylus rapicauda Vocalizations in Dominica
English, Kelsey (2012) A Study of the Health Care System in Dominica
Henderson, Sarah (2012) Nesting Behavior of Sphecidae on Dominica
James, Andrea M. (2012) The Agouti of the Commonwealth of Dominica, Dasyprocta leporina
Pruitt, Travis (2012) Sexual Dimorphism in Monophyllus plethodon
Rocha, Brittany (2012) An Evaluation of Livestock Production and Veterinary Medicine in Dominica
Saenz, Catherine (2012) Survey of Orthoptera in Dominica, W.I.
Santelises, Joshua (2012) A Study of Coccidiosis in Livestock in the Island of Dominica
Seyler, Lorilyn (2012) A Photographic Field Guide to the Millipedes of Dominica by Order
Weizer, Jessica (2012) Field Guide to Insects Found on native Palms of Dominica
Chappell, Angel (2011) Photographic Guide to Epiphytic Plants of Dominica
Horner, Michele (2011) An Overview of the History of Fish Aggregating Devices (FADS) in Dominica
Jimenez, Patricia Citlally (2011) Activity Pattern of Dominica Bats
Libson, Monika (2011) Nesting Behavior of the Male Sergeant Major
Luong, Tina (2011) Aggression and Territoriality Among Three Dominican Hummingbirds
Mann, Alyssa (2011) Survey of Mosquitoes and Larvae in Dominica, W.I.
Medina Heather (2011) Characteristics of Echolocation Calls of Bats in Dominica
Newman, Kara (2011) A Photographic Field Guide to the Neuroptera of Dominica, West Indies
Ramirez, Roxanne (2011) The Biology of Blephariceridae in Dominica
Wilcox, Adam (2011) Photographic Field Guide to the Marine Invertebrates of Dominica
Eijsink, Kinnie (2010) GIS Mapping of Dominica Study Abroad
Klimitchek, Alyson Ann (2010) Photographic Guide to the Family Melastomataceae on Dominica
Lee, Vanessa (2010) A Photographic Survey of Dominican Aculeate Hymenoptera
Morris, Jamie (2010) Mating Behavior of Caribbean Reef Squid, Sepioteuthis sepioidea
Ramos, Christina (2010) Survey of Dominican Cockroaches
Reyes, Nadia (2010) A Photographic Field Guide to the Coleoptera of Dominica, W.I.
Roof, Travis (2010) Adaptive Bathymetric System Mapping of Champagne Reef and Scott’s Head
Turner, Kate (2010) Niche Market Tourism in Dominica